24 September 2009

The Lost Emperor, Chapter 1

The most heavily defended city in all of South Arkra was the Imperial Capital, Jurathia, named after an Empress from Ages past. Many have seen the wonders of this sprawling city.

At the center of Jurathia was the most heavily guarded building in the land, the Imperial Palace. Sitting atop a hill, there were spectacular views of the Imperial Capital, the mountains to the northwest and the plains stretching to the south. Many passed through the gates of the Imperial Palace daily.

Within the Imperial Palace, deep in its heart, was the most heavily protected room of all. It was known simply as the Trance Room. Most have heard rumours of the room; very few have stepped foot within its confines.

The Trance Room was a square room with two small unassuming doors. One led to an antechamber which opened up to a hallway and a flight of stairs on either end. The other led to a small retiring chamber. The walls of the Trance Room were heavily inscribed with runes, both visible and invisible. In the centre was a circular pedestal with three wide steps, and at the top sat a white marble throne, in stark contrast to the red stone of the rest of the room. The room was lit by a silvery glow emanating from four crystal balls placed on pillars standing at shoulder-height at each corner of the room. The light from these crystal balls would sometimes dim to the brightness of a solitary candle, and would sometimes brighten to a degree that the room seemed open to the noon sun. Those entering the room were always wary for these changes in illumination.

The Emperor would always be conditioned for these changes in lighting, for he spent the most time in the Trance Room.

When Mal Jiyun entered the Trance Room from the antechamber, three of the crystal balls glowed like a full moon, whereas the one in the far right corner was hardly noticeable. As he stepped closer to the throne he noticed the blue shimmer of the magical shield that surrounded the top step of the pedestal and the throne like an egg shell. The only sound in the room was the soft rustling of his robes as he walked, amplified in his ears by the otherwise oppressive silence of the room.

At the foot of the pedestal Mal paused for a respectful bow towards the figure of the Emperor. The Emperor, seated in his throne, unmoving, was in Trance and therefore would not notice Mal, but he was still the supreme ruler of South Arkra.

Slowly, and with carefully measured steps, Mal climbed the pedestal until he was inches away from the shimmering magical shield protecting the Emperor. It was always unnerving being this close to the Emperor, watching him in Trance, eyes wide open, immobile as a statue. Mal leaned in as close as he could without feeling the burn of the shield; from his vantage point slightly to the right of the Emperor he could see the Emperor’s lips were indeed parted ever so slightly, as reported by the previous Watcher.

His attention focused on the Emperor’s frozen face, Mal did not notice when all four crystal balls dimmed. It was only when the Emperor’s face seemed more lit by the shimmering blue shield that Mal realized how dark the Trance Room had become. Just as he turned to inspect the nearest crystal ball behind him, the room was thrown into sudden daylight. Caught off-guard he did not hear the pop of the magical shield dropping into the floor.

“Watcher.” It was the Emperor’s soft whisper that Mal heard first.

Shocked into action, the young Watcher ran down the pedestal, almost tripping on his own robes. He turned at the bottom and went down on one knee. As he was lowering his head he noticed the Emperor gesture towards him.

“Come up here Watcher.” The Emperor waved at Mal to rise up the steps. “How do you expect to hear me properly from all the way down there?”

Mal stood up and retraced his careful steps up the pedestal again, taking the time to catch his breath. Once at the top, he approached the marble throne, keeping his eyes low.

“Your Majesty, I am Mal Jiyun.” Mal bowed his head perfunctorily.

“Come closer, Mal Jiyun. You must be a new Watcher.” The Emperor’s voice was coming out raspy, from a throat too long dry. “Lean your ear close to me.”

Mal did as commanded, stepping closer to the throne and leaning his head down to hear clearer.

“There is a balmaj coming down the stairs right now. Tell him to report to Master Seyarn that I have asked for balmaj Aramus Jilarni.” The Emperor pronounced the name slowly, for Mal’s benefit. “Remember that name.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Balmaj Aramus Jilarni. It will be done.”

“Now, Mal Jiyun.” The Emperor gripped the arms of his throne and pushed himself up. Mal had backed away and was now rushing to the antechamber door. The Emperor went around the throne and slowly traced a path down the pedestal and towards the retiring room. He longed to quench his thirst with the water provisioned there.

Inside the rear chamber the Emperor found a seat and drank sweetened water from a flask. The Watchers made sure to keep a fresh stock of provisions in the retiring room. Over the centuries the Watchers had learned what provisions would be best suited for the Emperor waking from Trance: lots of liquids and fruits. While waiting for the balmaj he had summoned, the Emperor crunched on a crisp apple, stretched his legs before him and reviewed the visions from which he had just awakened.

He did not have long to wait. The door on the far side of the Trance Room opened and he heard someone running in. The figure that came into sight wore the half-robes of a balmaj and had the requisite glowing blue eyes from perpetual mage vision. Aramus Jilarni stood as tall as an average man, shorter than the Emperor, and had the shoulders and arms of one trained in heavy swordplay. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and he wore it free. On his left hand he wore the three rings that marked him as an Emissary of His Imperial Highness, the Emperor of South Arkra. He ran effortlessly, his body conditioned to physical exertion, unhampered by the sword strapped across his back.

Aramus paused at the doorway to the small room the Emperor rested in, his fingers pulling runes from the ether. He put together a simple spell and released it as he drew closer to the Emperor, enveloping the Emperor and himself in an invisible globe of silence. Whatever orders he received from the Emperor would be heard by his ears alone.

“My Lord, I am Aramus Jilarni.” Aramus knelt in front of the Emperor and raised his face to his Master.

Emperor DeGarak II, Master of the Balmaj, paused to consider Aramus. Images from his visions passed through his mind.

“I have found the Lost Emperor.” Only the upper ranks of the balmaj knew the truth behind the myth. From Aramus’ unchanged expression, and the sharp intake of breath, the Emperor judged Aramus had already been inducted into those rare ranks. “He is in danger now and must be protected. You cannot fail. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my Lord. My life for his.” His response required no forethought. His only purpose was to serve in the protection of the Emperor and the Empire.

Aramus considered the Emperor’s news. In view of the current conflicts within the Imperial family, the Lost Emperor would be highly sought after by many parties. It was highly unlikely that the identity of the Lost Emperor was known to anyone. Even the Emperor had spent weeks in Trance searching for his identity.

Yet, Master Seyarn had warned them about enemies from other lands. Every day now there were reports from the border with East Arkra; some of it alarmed Master Seyarn enough to send personal scouts. If only Aramus could know what those scouts reported. As it was, he would have to piece things together himself.

The Emperor stood and began to walk out; Aramus followed him, maintaining the globe of silence surrounding them.

“Go to Castle Juandar, near the border. They are under attack. I will instruct Master Seyarn to send some balmaj to assist, but their task is only to distract.” The Emperor glanced askance at Aramus. You must be my eyes there. When the Lost Emperor is found, I will inform you. This last the Emperor sent into Aramus’ mind.

Aramus felt the urgency behind the missive. Much was happening already.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/2/10 09:33

    i like the name...Aramus Jilarni....
